
February 5, 2020
Ardine Williams, Amazon HQ2 vice president for workforce development Talk about how technology will affect the workforce of the future, and Amazon is likely to enter the conversation. In June 2019, the giant retailer announced that it would upskill 100,000 employees — a third of its U.S. workforce — over the next six years by...
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So, Is Organic Food Actually More Sustainable? At Columbia, a culture of heightened environmental consciousness has led to the proliferation of sustainable food options: Meatless Mondays at the dining halls, weekly farmers markets, and active student groups. I myself am heavily involved in this culture of “sustainable” eating, keeping to a plant-based diet and seeking...
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Although Britain officially left the European Union on Jan. 31, not everyone in the U.K. has given up on E.U. membership. The Scottish National Party (SNP), which wants Scotland to secede from the rest of the U.K. and then rejoin the E.U., celebrated Feb. 2 when former European Council President Donald Tusk said the bloc...
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